Benefits of a Trust

A trust provides many benefits, including protection for family members who may be unaccustomed to dealing with financial matters. It can also offer protection of assets in the event of divorce or other litigation. A trust can ensure that funding is available for specific needs, such as education, health care or charitable interests. It provides a framework in which money is managed in a predictable fashion, by people you choose, according to standards you set. A trust creates guidelines for current and future distributions that reflect your wishes, and may also offer substantial tax benefits and provide an expedient method for the transfer of assets.

A trust can help:

  • Provide an orderly means of administering your personal and financial affairs should you become incapacitated, or upon death
  • Ensure that your assets are managed for the benefit of your surviving spouse or heirs, according to your wishes
  • Preserve assets for future generations
  • Provide for a relative or disabled child after your death
  • Manage your estate tax exposure and avoid probate costs
  • Protect assets from a creditor’s claims
  • Assemble a tax-advantaged charitable gift